
1 min readJun 17, 2021

Introduction to poetry shows us the true beauty of poetry. In Billy Collin’s “Introduction to Poetry,” he talks about the different ways one can teach poetry to make poetry actually enjoyable. Billy Collins uses metaphors and compares teaching to objects and animals, effectively conveying to the reader of how poetry is just like an adventure. He states, “I want them to waterski across the surface of a poem.” This shows the readers that they should see poetry as like waterskiing through the waters, just like how you should write through the paper.

Personally, I was never really interested in poetry. Just like most of other students, I did not enjoy writing poems and other writings. However, Billy Collins gave me a new perspective to writing poems. Treating writing poetry as an adventure. I always love traveling and going outdoors and I just imagine that during my writing, making my writing more smooth when I enjoy writing.

